Ghana Studies Association
an international affiliate of the African Studies Association
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About GSA
GSA Triennial Conferences
‘Ghana at Crossroads’, Tamale 2022
“Ghana at Crossroads” Registration
“Ghana at Crossroads” program
‘Ghana as Center’, Accra 2019
“Ghana as Center” Sponsors
‘Ghana as Center’ call for papers
“Ghana as Center” program
“Ghana as Center” in social media
“Ghana as Center” in pictures…opening & grad student orientation
“Ghana as Center” in pictures…presentations & business meeting
“Ghana as Center” in pictures…closing ceremony & special events
“Ghana as Center” in pictures…conference organizers & volunteers
‘Ghana as Center’ in video
‘Global Ghana’, Cape Coast 2016
Review of “Global Ghana” conference
Program for “Global Ghana” conference
“Global Ghana” on social media
Ghana Studies
GSA Grants and Prizes
Boahen-Wilks Article Prize
GSA Research Grant
Conference paper prize
Newsletter Archive
Social Media
Join GSA
GSA Grants and Prizes
Boahen-Wilks Article Prize
GSA Research Grant
Conference paper prize