Critic.Reading.Writing with Ato Quayson

If you are searching for intellectual content that (mostly) has  nothing to do with Covid, subscribe to the YouTube channel Critic.Reading.Writing. The channel, created by GSA member and current President of the African Studies Association, Professor Ato Quayson, speaks to the relevance of humanities through an exploration of literature, as well as film, history and…

“Ghana’s retrogressive Public University Bill”

Nana Akua Anyidoho and Akosua Adomako Ampofo, GSA members at the University of Ghana, explain why the Public University Bill (PUB) currently before government is a rollback of the hard-won academic freedom that Ghanaian academies have enjoyed for decades now. It echoes the GSA statement on the PUB: that it is unconstitutional, unnecessary, and harmful…

Petition against Ghana’s Public University Bill

WE OPPOSE GHANA’S PUBLIC UNIVERSITY BILL [SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN] We, the undersigned, are scholars based in Ghana and all across the world who are horrified at the intention of the Ghanaian government to pass the Public University Bill. This draconian bill, which seeks to hand over control of tertiary education to the Executive Branch of the…

GSA statement on the Ghana Public University Bill

The Ghana Studies Association (GSA) is a membership-organization of scholars of Ghana from all around the world, and whose current leadership and many of its members are based in public universities in Ghana. We also produce research that engages with the country and its people in productive ways.  We are, therefore, an association that has…